Day 24: Complete Jenkins CI/CD Project

Day 24: Complete Jenkins CI/CD Project


3 min read

Task 1:

Create a connection to your Jenkins job and your GitHub Repository via GitHub Integration.
To generate the SHH key for integration use the shh-keygen command for public and private keys.

To create a Public key we have to use cat /home/ubuntu/.ssh/

To configure the GitHub Goto account setting < SHH and GPG keys and paste the ssh-rsa key here.

Click on New SSH keys

Give the desired name and paste the public keys

Click on Add SSH key and Save

Now your SSH keys has been added

Read About GitHub WebHooks and make sure you have a CICD setup.

For setting up a github webhook go to github repo's setting < Webhooks and add webhook

Click on Add Webhook

In the payload URL enter your Jenkins URL and after / write github-webhook

also change the content type to application.json and click on add webhook

Note: Localhost URL will not work do create an ec2 instance and after that try to put the payload URL

To install GitHub integration plugins go to the Jenkins dashboard > Manage Jenkins > Plugins

Install the selected plugin

Do wait for sometime till jenkins restart

Once Jenkins is restarted. Create a new project with freestyle pipeline

add git repo for clone

click on add credentials and add

In the kind section select SSH Username with private key

Enter your Hostname and add the private key from .ssh folder on your instance

After that scroll down to build trigger section and select Git Hook trigger for SCM polling

and click save

Task 2:

  • In the Execute shell run the application using Docker compose

  • You will have to make a Docker Compose file for this Project

  • Run the project and give yourself a treat


It says docker-compose not found. Since I created this new instance only for demo purpose so i didn't install docker-compose in it

we can install docker-compose with a short and simple command in the instance

sudo apt -y install docker-compose

since docker-compose is now installed on the EC2 instance. Let's try and build the project again

In brief, the GitHub-Jenkins webhook integration for CI/CD synergizes version control and automation, expediting development cycles and elevating code quality. This fusion enhances collaboration, delivering efficient and reliable application deployment. Leveraging this integration is pivotal for modern software development, enabling agile and effective practices.

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